Change your habits to change your life
I have recently read one book that totally changes my way of thinking. I want to share some of the important points from that book. Our habits define our characteristics, attitudes, and thinking. Our characteristics, attitudes, and thinks show what's the type of person are we.
Generally, to develop a new habit it took around 21 days- 30 days. For example, if you want to wake up early but you couldn't able to do it. The best way to wake up early and make its habits by forcefully wake up early in the morning by putting alarm for around 21 days. After that, your brain itself works as an alarm and you need not have to set up an alarm to wake up early in the morning because waking up early in the morning became your habit now.we can change our habits just by repeatedly doing new things it.

Our brain is divided into two parts one is cored part and another is the surface part.our all habits are stored in core parts and whatever we study and learn for short periods store in surface parts of the brain. To understand it easily assumed cored parts of the brain as a ROM memory of the computer where the data is stored permanently and surface part of the brain as RAM memory of the computer where data is the store for temporary.
For example, when we wake up we go for brushing the teeth first. why it's so? Because brushing teeth became our habits and it is stored in our core part of the brain so we no need have to remember or put any reminder. when your implements anything in our habits you need not have to remember or put any reminder because brain itself works as a reminder.
"We are what we repeatedly do.
Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit".
The habits that you should have to acquire in order to achieved your goals are:
- At least Exercise 3 times a week.
- Always focus on the positive.
- Work on your goals.
- Eat more vegetables.
- Meet with your friends.
- Read 30 minutes a day.
- Spend 15 minutes on "alone time" a day.
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